833 Toll-Free Numbers

Aliso Viejo, CA - March 2, 2017 - On April 22, 2017 the FCC will be releasing 833 toll-free numbers. You may want to ask your telephone provider if they will offer 833 numbers starting on April 22, 2017

The FCC will only release 833 toll-free numbers on a limited basis to each company so it may take some time before each company has those numbers available for their customers.

To learn more about RokitNow and how to use text messaging call or text 855-ROKIT-NOW (855-765-4866). You can also visit us at www.rokitnow.com or email us at [email protected]

About RokitNow

Founded in 2014, RokitNow, is a brand new startup hoping to help businesses reach out & keep in touch with their customers. The company name was formed by taking the first letter from each word of the company's motto: Reach Out & Keep In Touch.